
Welcome to the Soaring Economist. My mission is to inspire and teach the art of soaring. I have made a home for my writings, presentations, and materials collected over the past 11 years.

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Latest Blog Posts

Does Time Heal All Wounds?

It’s been a quiet year on my blog. Many folks may wonder why this is the case, but those who are close to me know that I’ve had some monumental life events that have been occupying my mind. On the positive side, my wife and I now have a lovely daughter, Anna. She’s now nearly…

08-25-22 | What a Breeze!

It’s been a wonderful August. Having returned from some exceptional soaring out west while on my honeymoon, I was not expecting much from Blairstown. This time of the year tends to yield hot, hazy, and humid conditions. The kind where you can hardly see more than several miles away at several thousand feet. When you…

06-15-22 | Time to Push

Only two days left in the competition and we’re second overall. There are not many opportunities left to make a play for the leading position and today looked like the best opportunity. The weather looked good, with high thermals promising a long soaring day and a long soaring task. This would lead to more points…